Permanent age

If you could have a permanent age what would it be? Would you want to be older, younger, or middle, I would like to be 27-31 forever because I can drive, face adult struggles, hang out with friends, see the world, and have a cat, or other pets I might want, time to find what I like, and have a job. I also would be able to do something serious, like write something and not think of it as โ€œthe annoying essay I made in 6th grade.โ€ Thank you for your time

The best skit

In fourth grade, at kids corner ( after school class because my parents were still at work) they decided to let us make skits, and three random little kids would be judges. We choose to do a skit about when we were little and had to take naps in preschool, we never wanted to do it. Now that weโ€™re older, we would die to take a nap at school, but we canโ€™t. It was a minute long, we only hade five minutes to decide what we were going to do and plan it out. The first team goes, great score. Now itโ€™s are turn. I go up and pretend to be a little kid laying on the floor who doesnโ€™t want to sleep. But for some reason I find this super funny and start laughing. Out of nowhere I canโ€™t control it, and start laughing on the floor historically. I try to get up but canโ€™t, I try to gasp for breath because I was laughing so hard but I canโ€™t. As soon as I stop I start gasping for breath. Then we finish the the skit. And the score isโ€ฆโ€ฆ bad. Oops

Rad reading-September

Harry Potter and the the sorcerers stone

Written by: J.K Rowling

Like wizards, amazing adventures, and a hat that talks!? Well then this is the book for you! Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone takes you on a magical adventure with this young boy named Harry, who lives a ordinary life, in a ordinary street, and a ordinary home, His parents dies when he was a baby because of a โ€œcar crash.โ€ Young Harry being the only survivor, is taken to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin named Dudley. They all treat him horribly, Dudley likes to punch him, his uncle blames him for everything, and his aunt is always on top of him, also with that, he is forced to live in the small cupboard bellow the stairs. Until he gets the letter. The truth is, both of his parents were wizards and he has been invited to go to a magical school of witch craft and wizardry.His aunt and uncle, being ordinary, hate things unusual or weird, so they moved out of there house in hopes of not receiving and more letter. Harry soon finds himself in a small hut in the middle of the ocean. Until another person from the wizard inn community takes him the the wizard inโ€™s world despite of his aunt and uncle. I love this book and think that other people would like it to, itโ€™s funny yet serious. And has twist and turn in every corner so you will never get bored. My favorite character so far in this series is probably hedwig, Harryโ€™s pet owl because she can be funny and have a attitude for just being a owl. My favorite quote from the book so far is โ€œJust the one ran by goblinsโ€ although itโ€™s hard to understand whatโ€™s going on in quote, itโ€™s very funny once you here the background. Harry ask Hagrid, the guy who took him to the school is talking to Harry and trying to get him caught up on the whole other part of his life he missed out on. Hagrid is talking about going to the bank, and Harry is in shock that thereโ€™s a wizard bank. So Hagrid pls response, is โ€œJust the one ran by goblinsโ€ then Harry screams โ€œGoblins??โ€ Altogether, Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone is a great book and I think that you should try it out.

A Different Universe

There are a lot of different types of books, movies, video games and more. But what if you could choose to live in one? I know a lot of people would probably be choosing this one to, but I canโ€™t resist choosing this one. And itโ€™s HARRY POTTER! Imagine flying threw the air with a broom, All the tasty food you will get at Hogwarts, a feast for breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. You would get to pick your house and earn points for it to win the house cup. finally all the adventures! From just playing quidditch, to maybe accident exploding the potions room. Oops.


Food, some makes you go ewww, and others make you have this nice warm feeling inside and a delightful taste left in your mouth. Most people think that only warm foods have the ability of doing that, but I think that cold foods can also really hit the spot! And my favorite meal has the ability of doing that. It is: a appetizer nice warm miso soup that feels although it just cleanses the soul, And my favorite meal is a nice crisp, refreshing poke bowl. Whatโ€™s in this poke bowl you ask? Sushi salmon that feels although it melts inside the mouth, Nice cold fresh cucumber, corn just plain corn ( taste amazing with it), Nice cold fresh crab meat that hits the spot, with a bottom of plain, but truly delightful stick rice. My favorite

House Styles…There’s A Lot of Them

There are so many different types of houses and house styles: big houses, small houses, castle looking houses, houses with pools and much more! so the question is, what house would you want? and for me, it would probably be a nice small house with lots of plants, and there are a few reasons why: One. I’m not that organized so cleaning smaller houses would be much easier, Two. small spaces I feel are nicer and more cozy compared to bigger houses where you would just be alone and have to clean up a lot, Three. I like plants, and also feel like even in a small space I could still maybe have a pet. I would also like it to be in a nice, forest like area like lake arrowhead. I feel like the air there is much fresher and that it’s just a nice community there.

Pasta! Yummy!

If you could travel anywhere in this world weโ€™re would you go? I would love to visit a lot of places, go to the desert, or see the Grand Canyon again, or have fun in the snow. But I would like to visit Italy. There are many reasons why, but Iโ€™m only going to list three. One, Itโ€™s beautiful! There are new building, old building, beautiful water. Two, The food! Its delicious, from taste pasta, to real pizza! Not the ones you get from domino ( still delicious) four, I have lots of family there. I donโ€™t know them that well, but I would like to. I know one of them is a mother with a baby (toddler now) and a girl the same age as me! I think itโ€™s cool to think there is someone my age, my family, living a whole different life. Like a different world!

Welcome to my life

Greetings, my name is Izzy and I like stuff, What stuff exactly? Well this is what this post is all about! I have a awesome dog, awesome lizard (that scares people) And a awesome school and family! I like things that some others donโ€™t like, for example, rodents, reptiles and bugs! Donโ€™t worry, I still love mammals, or sea life or any other animal in all of existence! My favorite food is pretty much fruit, meat and everything but eggs. Unless if itโ€™s in cake, batter, or dough. My favorite drinks are milk tea boba or a chocolate shake from del taco. I enjoy drawing, swimming, and beating people at stuff I didn’t even know existed! Random question time. Dogs or cats, both! Favorite movie, to many to fill in! Favorite thing, same thing as last question! Favorite animal, them all!