Study of life, Astronomy=20% Project week three

This week my goal was to take some time to learn more about planets, I had a hard time trying to find a different article. But, I found one on this article that was made by the university of Chicago, on life on other planets. They were talking about how the there was a color change on mars, Kind of like when we look at the news forecast and it will maybe show some water that moved in a Timelapse, This could show that there is a very slight chance that water could have been there and could have moved, If the color change was real. Maybe some of the software made a mistake, But if It didn’t, This could signal that there could be plants that adapted to the harsh conditions of mars, Not intelligent life, but still life. But they also talked about life on mercury, Which I haven’t really heard of the possibility of life there before, But they talked about how it’s not to fair from the sun, And the atmosphere is so-so, Which brings up the thought, Could mercury have or have once had life, or, is it about to start having life on it?


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